Fig. S4
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- ZDB-FIG-180126-44
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- Ma et al., 2017 - A novel inducible mutagenesis screen enables to isolate and clone both embryonic and adult zebrafish mutants
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Supplementary information for line pIDM-A11. (A) The F1 pIDM-A11 embryos were treated with Dox at 12 hpf. The picture was taken at 3.5 dpf. Red arrow: pericardial edema. Number, type of represented embryos /total embryos in F1 population. (B) Reduction of the faf1 expression in the pIDM-A11 embryos treated with Dox. The treated embryos were sampled at 2 dpf and subjected to whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH). Anti-sense RNA of faf1 was used to perform WISH. Black arrow, pharyngeal arch. Number, type of represented embryos/total embryos in F2 population. (C) Induction of anti-sense transcript of faf1 in the pIDM-A11 embryos treated with Dox. Total RNA was sampled at 2 dpf. The anti-sense faf1 transcript was analyzed with quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). The qRT-PCR in each treatment was repeated three times. ?-actin was used as the qRT-PCR positive control. Red arrow, DNA fragment was amplified from anti-sense faf1 transcript. |