Fig. 2

Facchinello et al., 2017 - nr3c1 null mutant zebrafish are viable and reveal DNA-binding-independent activities of the glucocorticoid receptor
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Fig. 2

Histology of 8-month-old gr ?/? and gr +/+ zebrafish. All histological images of 8-month-old gr ?/? and gr +/+ zebrafish were taken from longitudinal sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E). The left panels represent wild type fish, whereas the middle and right panels show tissues from two mutant fish. (A) heart; (B) particular of the heart at higher magnification showing reduced trabecular network in the mutant samples; (C) intestinal mucosa with sloughing epithelium at the villous tips and reduced height of villi in mutants; (D) visceral view showing reduced extension of pancreas in mutants; (E) consistent increase of subcutaneous adipose tissue in mutants. ba?=?bulbus arteriosus; v?=?ventricle; a?=?adipose tissue; i?=?intestine; p?=?pancreas; t?=?trabeculae.

Expression Data

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Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage: Adult

Phenotype Detail
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