Fig. 1

Shimizu et al., 2017 - The Calcineurin-FoxO-MuRF1 signaling pathway regulates myofibril integrity in cardiomyocytes
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Fig. 1

Disorganized myofibril structure in tre/ncx1h cardiomyocytes.

Wild type (WT) and tre/ncx1h (tre) mutant hearts at 30, 48 and 72 hpf. (A) Zebrafish hearts stained for ?-actinin to visualize Z-lines. At 30 hpf, periodic ?-actitin staining was observed in wild type and tre hearts (arrowheads). By 48 hpf, sarcomeres are disassembled in tre hearts. Scale bar, 10 ?m. (B) The cell shape of cardiomyocytes was visualized by Zn8 staining. Scale bar, 10 ?m. (C) Embryonic fish hearts were visualized by GFP expression in the myl7:EGFP transgenic background. Note that tre hearts become dysmorphic after two days of development. Scale bar, 50 ?m.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage Range: Prim-15 to Protruding-mouth

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: Prim-15 to Protruding-mouth

Phenotype Detail
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