Fig. S2
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- ZDB-FIG-160726-6
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- Heckel et al., 2015 - Oscillatory Flow Modulates Mechanosensitive klf2a Expression through trpv4 and trpp2 during Heart Valve Development
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klf2a transgene expression level is decreased by affecting the oscillatory content of the flow in the AVC. (A) Maximum projection images of tg(fli:nls-mcherry) and tg(klf2a:H2B-eGFP) from control (n=11), cmlc1 (n=6), tnnt2a knock down (n=7) and lidocaine treated (n=7) embryos. All show a decreased expression of Tg(klf2a:H2B-eGFP) in the remaining endocardial cells in the AVC (white arrow) by comparison to their control at 48hpf. (B) Fundamental harmonic index (FH index) variation with τ1 and τ0 examples. We compare three cases with different amount of reversing flow but with similar oscillation amplitude. The dotted line highlights the baseline, which is set at 0. τ1 and τ0 amplitude is highlighted on the side bar. τ0 increases when forward flow increases while τ1 does not vary. This directly affects the FH τ1/τ0, which is displayed in the graph. The FH index τ1/τ0 is a good indicator of the amount of reversing flow generated in the beating heart. (C) Summary of the intensity measurements of the klf2a transgene in the AVC at 48hpf for the cases shown in (A). (D, F, G) Quantification of the FH index τ1/τ0 in the AVC for the different flow conditions: in gata1 and gata2 knock down (D), in the tnnt2a knock down, lidocaine treated and cmlc1 knock down embryos (F) and in trpv2 mutant and trpv4 knock down (G). Intensity of the transgene is significantly reduced when the FH index τ1/τ0 is reduced in the AVC. (E) Graph representing the percentage of tg(klf2a:H2B-eGFP) positive cells in controls and gata1 knock down.**P<0.01 ANOVA. |