Fig. 4

Roy et al., 2016 - Zebrafish TARP Cacng2 is required for the expression and normal development of AMPA receptors at excitatory synapses
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Fig. 4

Examples of touch responses of 48?52 hpf agar-restrained embryos. Images were captured every 800 µsec but every 8th image is shown over the first 32 ms of the response. At the 32-ms time point, the uninjected and MO-injected control embryos have undergone an entire C-bend and the trunk is starting to move back. The Cacng2a and Cacng2b morphants have reached the full C-bend by 32 ms, while the Cacng2a+2b morphant has still not completed its bend. The morphants are slightly misshapen, exhibit edema and are generally smaller than the controls. Morphants injected with Cacng2a mRNA showed similar locomotor responses to controls while those injected with Cacng2b mRNA were similar to the Cacng2b morphants.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Knockdown Reagents:
Observed In:
Stage: Long-pec

Phenotype Detail
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