Fig. 5 S4
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- ZDB-FIG-160321-28
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- Eom et al., 2015 - Long-distance communication by specialized cellular projections during pigment pattern development and evolution
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Airinemes and patterning in the zebrafish caudal fin.(A) aox5+ cell extending airineme (arrowhead) in the regenerating fin. (B) Regenerative fin regions examined. Red bar, amputation plane. From distal to proximal, pattern formation is on-going (?intermingled?), melanophores are consolidating into stripes (′transitional′), or stripes and interstripes have been fully re-formed (?completed?) (Rawls and Johnson, 2000). (C) Airinemes were produced most often by aox5+ cells of the transitional zone (χ2=17.4, d.f.=2, p<0.0005, N=651 cells), though were less frequently observed than during the adult body pattern development. (D) Wild type, controls treated with dd during fin ontogeny had melanophores principally within stripes (arrowhead) whereas dd-treated individuals stably expressing dnCdc42 or dnSu(H) in the xanthophore or melanophore lineages, respectively, had melanophores that were more widely dispersed (arrows). Scale bars: 25 µm (A); 2 mm (B); 100 µm (C). |