Fig. 6
Secondary motor neurons (zn-5) in embryos injected with human mRNAs. (A)Visualization of secondary motor neurons by zn-5 monoclonal antibody-labelling of 48 hpf zebrafish embryos. By 48 hpf secondary motor neurons have completed their migration along the common path, and axons of the ventral nerve extend to the ventral myotome in both wild-type embryos (not shown) and those injected with wild-type DNM2 mRNA (DNM2_ctrl) (a). However in DNM2_mutCNM embryos, secondary motor neuron axons appear to exit the spinal cord and migrate to the periphery, but branching is rare (b). By contrast, in embryos expressing DNM2_mutCMT secondary motor axons are not observed (c). Scale bar = 10 µm. The images are representative of those found in average12 embryos for each condition, during 3 independent experiments. (B) Graph shows quantitation of branchings. |