Fig. S10
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-160108-10
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- Tuttle et al., 2014 - Rabconnectin-3a regulates vesicle endocytosis and canonical Wnt signaling in zebrafish neural crest migration
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V0a1 knockdown disrupts nuclear localization of Bcat in NC. (A-D′′) Confocal images of sox10:gfp (green) embryos stained with DAPI (blue) and an anti-Bcat antibody (red) in uninjected controls (A-A′′, C-C′′) and embryos injected with v0a1-MO at 11 hpf (B-B′′) and 24 hpf (D-D′′). V0a1 knockdown reduces levels of B-cat in NC cell nuclei at 11 hpf (B-B′′) and nuclear Bcat at 24 hpf (D-D′′). Scale bars, 10 µm. (E) Quantification of the ratio of Bcat localization between NC cell membranes and nuclei indicates a significant decrease in nuclear localization in rbc3a-MO1?injected embryos at 11 hpf but a significant increase in nuclear localization at 24 hpf. Errors bars respresent ± SEM, * p<0.05. |