Fig. 3
Overexpression of kif5Ba in Mkif5Ba mutants following fertilization is sufficient to specify germ cells. (A-C) nanos3 RNA is recruited to the first three cleavage furrows in WT (A) but is not recruited to furrows in Mkif5Ba mutants (B) at 16-cell stage. Injection of ha-kif5Ba restores nanos3 recruitment to 1-2 furrows in a fraction of Mkif5Ba mutants (C). Black arrowheads denote recruited nanos3. (D-F) nanos3 RNA becomes enriched in the prospective PGCs of WT (D) but is not enriched in Mkif5Ba mutants (E). Injection of ha-kif5Ba restores nanos3 enrichment to one PGC in a fraction of Mkif5Ba mutants (F). White arrowheads denote PGCs. (G-I) Vasa+ PGCs are present in WT (G) but not in Mkif5Ba mutants (H) at the yolk-yolk extension intersection. Injection of ha-kif5Ba restores small numbers of PGCs in Mkif5Ba mutants (arrowhead in I). See text for quantification. Scale bars: 50µm. |