Fig. S5

Chen et al., 2015 - Transient laminin beta 1a Induction Defines the Wound Epidermis during Zebrafish Fin Regeneration
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Fig. S5

EdU incorporation assays in sde1 and control regenerates.

(A) Longitudinal sections of 5 dpa fin regenerates collected after 60 minutes of EdU incorporation. (B) Counting of EdU+ mesenchymal cells in distal fin ray area. Mesenchymal cell proliferation was grossly similar between sde1/+ and sde1 regenerates at 5 dpa after a temperature shift from 25°C to 33°C at 4 dpa. Scale bars, 50 µm. (n = 4, counts from three sections were averaged for each sample; Student?s t -test, NS, non-significant).

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