Fig. 8

Torraca et al., 2015 - The CXCR3/CXCL11 signaling axis mediates macrophage recruitment and dissemination of mycobacterial infection
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Fig. 8

Effect of cxcr3.2 mutation on granuloma formation following systemic mycobacterial infection. (A–D) Representative images of granulomas in systemically infected cxcr3.2+/+ and cxcr3.2−/− larvae. Embryos were systemically infected at 1 dpf, injecting 200 CFU of M. marinum into the caudal vein. Images of three representative granuloma-like structures of wild-type (wt; A) or mutant (B) larvae were taken on samples fixed at 6 dpf and simultaneously stained for Lp and Mpx (TSA stain) to distinguish macrophages (Lp-positive, TSA-negative) from neutrophils (TSA-positive). Images of representative cxcr3.2+/+ (C) or cxcr3.2−/− (D) larvae were acquired live at 6 dpf. Scale bar in A,B: 40 μm. Scale bar in C,D: 200 μm. (E–G) Quantification of the impact of cxcr3.2 mutation on mycobacterial granuloma formation. Total infection burden (total infection fluorescent pixels; E), total number of bacterial clusters (F) and average area of bacterial clusters (G) are significantly reduced under cxcr3.2-deficient conditions. Data were accumulated from three independent experiments. Sample size (n): 170, 122. Error bars: median (E,F) or mean (G) and interquartile range. **P<0.01; ***P<0.001.

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