Analysis of expression and rescuing potential of dharma RNA in boz mutants. (A,B) Whole-mount in situ hybridization reveals expression of dharma in the dorsal YSL of wild-type embryos at 50% epiboly (A). dharma was not expressed in sibling boz embryos (B). (C,D) Expanded ntl and hgg1 expression in embryos from bozm168/+ parents injected with dharma at the 1- to 4-cell stage. (E,F) Embryos coinjected with dharma and fluorescent dextran into one cell at the 16-cell stage. Nomarski (E) and fluorescent (F) images reveal that dextran is localized to the blastoderm. (G,H) After injections into the yolk at 1000-cell stage, fluorescent dextran remains confined to the YSL as seen in a Nomarski (G) and fluorescent (H) image. (A,B,EH) Lateral views with animal pole to the top, (E-H) dorsal to the right; (C) animal view. Scale bar, 200 μm.