Fig. S2

Su et al., 2014 - Cerebellar development in the absence of Gbx function in zebrafish
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Fig. S2

MHB gene expression in gbx-, otxMO, and gbx-;otxMO embryos.
RNA in situ hybridizations with the genes and developmental stages indicated on the left. Genotypes are indicated at the top. Embryos are mounted in dorsal view with anterior to the left. (A-D) efnb2a is expressed in forebrain, r1, r4, and r7 in WT (A). The r1 expression of efnb2a is greatly reduced in gbx- (B), but expanded in both otxMO (C) and gbx-;otxMO (D). (E-H) otx2 is expressed in the midbrain of WT embryos (E), is expanded in gbx- (F) and shortened in otxMO (G). Otx is expressed throughout the isthmic region in gbx-;otxMO embryos (H) but is not functional due to the presence of the MOs. (I-L) eng1a is expressed at MHB in WT and otxMO (I,K), but is absent in gbx- and gbx-;otxMO embryos (J,L).

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Antibody Labeling
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 386(1), Su, C.Y., Kemp, H.A., and Moens, C.B., Cerebellar development in the absence of Gbx function in zebrafish, 181-90, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.