Knockdown of Daam1a affects the organisation of filamentous actin and microtubules in the Hb. (A,D,G) The Hb of control embryos labelled with fluorescent phalloidin (F-actin, white) and counterstained with Nissl (to delineate the cellular context, purple) show a distinct smooth fibrillar organisation of F-actin, with increased compaction in the neuropil domains. (B,E,H) The Hb of daam1a-MO embryos show an irregular pattern of F-actin, with shorter and thicker bundles. (C,F,I) The Hb of embryos co-injected with daam1a-MO and hDAAM1, show a smooth fibrillar pattern of F-actin similar to controls. (J,M,P) The Hb of control embryos immunostained against α-tubulin (white) and counterstained with Nissl showed a distinct asymmetric distribution of α-tubulin corresponding to the neuropil domains. (K,N,Q) The Hb of daam1a-MO embryos show decreased and less elaborate α-tubulin staining. (L,O,R) The Hb of embryos co-injected with daam1a-MO and hDAAM1, show increased levels and thickness of α-tubulin (+) bundles than controls. G-I and P-R correspond to magnification views of the boxed regions in D-F and M-O, respectively. Images correspond to dorsal views of maximum intensity z-stack confocal projections, with anterior to the top. LHb, left Hb; RHb, right Hb. Scale bars: 20 μm.