Fig. S3
NICD overexpression using the hs:Gal4; UAS:NICD system. (A) Mosaic Myc-NICD expression in regenerates of hs:Gal4; UAS:NICD double transgenics at 78 hpa following 2 heat shocks at 66 hpa and 72 hpa. Confocal image of longitudinal sections stained with anti-Myc antibody, anti-Zns5 antibody (labeling all osteoblasts) and DAPI. (B) Heatshock-induced Gal4 overexpression from amputation until 6 dpa in hs:Gal4 transgenic fish has on its own no influence on regenerate length when compared with fish carrying the UAS:NICD transgene only, meanąs.e.m. n=11 fins, 33 fin rays each group. n.s., not significant, Student?s t-test. (C) NICD overexpression in hs:Gal4; UAS:NICD double transgenic fish inhibits fin regeneration to a similar extent irrespective of the onset of NICD overexpression, i.e. 24 hours before amputation, 24 ours after or 2 days after amputation, as revealed by quantification of the percentage of regrown fin tissue at 6 dpa. n.s., not significant, Student?s t-test. |