Fig. S4
The embryonic midline is intact in Lgl2-depleted embryos. (A) Lateral views of live Tg(shh:GFP) embryos that express GFP in the notochord. The notochord was intact and appeared similar in control MO and Lgl2 MO embryos at the 18-somite stage. (B) Posterior views of double RNA in situ hybridization staining of sonic hedgehog (shha; red) and lefty1 (lft1; purple) at the 8-somite stage when lft1 expression is initiated in the posterior notochord. Strong lft1 expression in the notochord, which provides a molecular barrier between left (L) and right (R), was observed in most control MO (83%, n=72) and Lgl2 MO (84%, n=56) embryos, indicating lft1 activation is not delayed in Lgl2 MO embryos. |