Rescue of Sec13 knock-down phenotype. Toluidine Blue staining of 1μm transversal sections of control (A) and Sec13 MO (B). pH3 immunostaining on 10μm sections of control (C) and Sec13 MO (D). Quantification of pH3-positive cells (E). 582±113 pH3-positive nuclei were obtained from control morphant eyes versus 174±40 cells in G2/M-phase in Sec13-depleted eyes. AO staining of control (F) and Sec13MO (G). Dotted oval: injected embryos without phenotype therefore excluded from mean values (H). Co-injection of p53 MO with control (I,K) or Sec13 MO (J,L). Live images, representative of 40 embryos each (I,J), and Toluidine Blue stained resin sections (J,K). Rescue experiment (M). Embryonic phenotype was scored according to eye (arrows) and fin phenotype (arrowheads, insets). Number of phenotypic embryos is given as percentage (M, top right). Quantification from at least 60 embryos each from 3 independent experiments. Scale bars: 20μm.