Fig. S5
Regulation of msgn1 expression during segmentation. (A,A′) Similar expression of msgn1 in the presomitic mesoderm of 8-somite stage embryos was detected in wt siblings (A) and msgn1–/– embryos (A′). (B,B′) With no heat shock, a normal pattern of expression of msgn1 is observed in hsp70:ntl injected embryos and their uninjected siblings. (C-F′) All embryos were heat shocked for 30 minutes at the 13-somite stage. (C,C′) Ectopic expression of msgn1 is induced in hsp70:ntl injected embryos when compared with their uninjected siblings. (D,D′) A complete absence of msgn1 expression is observed in hsp70:dnfgfr1 transgenic embryos when compared with their siblings. (E,E′) Ectopic expression of msgn1 is induced in hsp70:caβcat injected embryos when compared with their uninjected siblings. (F,F′) A severe downregulation of msgn1 expression is observed in hsp70:dkk1 transgenic embryos when compared with their siblings. Transgenic embryos were obtained from a cross between heterozygous transgenics and wt fish, generating batches with the expected frequency of 50% transgenics and 50% wt control siblings. |