Fig. 7

Yang et al., 2012 - Neutrophils exert protection in the early tuberculous granuloma by oxidative killing of mycobacteria phagocytosed from infected macrophages
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Fig. 7

Neutrophil Killing of Intracellular Mycobacteria Is Mediated by NADPH Oxidase (A) Representative frames of time-lapse laser confocal images of a motile infected neutrophil (white arrowhead) in phox morphants (phox mo). Green, neutrophil (N); red, Mm. Elapsed minutes in upper right corner. (B) Bacterial burden over time and interval speed of neutrophil in (A). (C) Median killing rate (decrease in bacterial volume of infected neutrophil over time) of WT and phox morphant neutrophils. Infected neutrophils were sampled from three granulomas in three different infected larvae for each group. p values by Mann-Whitney rank test. Also see Figure S5.

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