Fig. S5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-120824-25
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- Schoenebeck et al., 2012 - Variation of BMP3 Contributes to Dog Breed Skull Diversity
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Y/F→L substitutions differentially affect Tgfßs. (A–C,E–G) Whole mount embryos at embryonic stage 24 hpf (A–C) or 28 hpf (E–G), anterior to the left. Phenotypes are representative of (A,E) normal, (B) dorsalized, (C) mildly dorsalized, (F) ventralized, (G) mildly ventralized classes following injections. (A–D) Embryos injected with mouse Gdf1or Gdf1F→L mRNA. (E–H) Embryos injected with either zebrafish bmp2b or bmp2bY→L mRNA. (D,H) Stacked bar graphs depicting frequency of observed phenotypes. Number of embryos injected per mRNA concentration appears above columns. While a missense mutation strongly reduces GDF1 dorsalizing activity, a comparable mutation in Bmp2b has little affect on this molecule′s ventralizing activity. |