Fig. S3

März et al., 2011 - Regenerative response following stab injury in the adult zebrafish telencephalon
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Fig. S3

Stab injury leads to clustering of olig2:EGFP cells at the site of injury. A: Immunostaining against GFP in the olig2:EGFP transgenic line shows clustering of olig2:EGFP cells at the lesion (white box in A). B: Quantification of olig2:EGFP positive cells in the pallium of the lesioned hemisphere compared with the control hemisphere shows comparable total numbers of olig2:EGFP positive cells. This suggests that there is no up-regulation of olig2:EGFP in the injured hemisphere and clustering of cells may be due to cell migration. n = 5 telencephala per time-point. Error bars indicate standard deviation. Scale bar = 100 μm in A.

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