Downregulation of Wnt signaling and shh signaling in hmgb-knockdown pectoral fin buds. Dorsal views (A–H) and lateral views (I, J) of 36-hpf embryos injected with control MO (A, C, E, G, I) or hmgb1MO + hmgb2 MO (B, D, F, H, J). A, B: Normal expression of prx1 in the pectoral fin bud of control (A, arrows) and hmgb-knockdown embryos (B, arrows). C–H: Expression of Top-GFP (D), shh (F), and ptc1 (H) in the pectoral fin bud of hmgb-knockdown embryos (D, F, H, red arrows) is downregulated, compared to control embryos (C, E, G, black arrows). I, J: High-magnification images of the pectoral fin bud stained with shh shows smaller expression domain of shh in the pectoral fin bud of hmgb-knockdown embryos (J, red arrow), compared to the control fin bud (I, black arrow).