Fig. 4
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-110622-117
- Publication
- Inoue et al., 2011 - One for all-a highly efficient and versatile method for fluorescent immunostaining in fish embryos
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Application of heating method to co-staining with fluorescent proteins (FPs) in transgenic lines. (A) PCNA whole-mount immunostaining with Ath5::GFP medaka transgenic line. (B) Zn5 whole-mount immunostaining with Ath5::GAP43-RFP zebrafish transgenic line. Note that Zn5 overlaps with RFP-positive optic nerve and retinal progenitor cells (brackets) (C) GS and PCNA immunostainings on cryosections of Rx2::H2B-RFP medaka transgenic line. Rx2 dependent H2B-RFP expression clearly co-localizes with GS-positive Mueller glia cells (arrowheads) and PCNA positive retinal progenitor cells in the CMZ (brackets). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). |