Fig. S6
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-110128-34
- Publication
- Xu et al., 2010 - Setdb2 restricts dorsal organizer territory and regulates left-right asymmetry through suppressing fgf8 activity
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The expression of components of noncanonical Wnt and TGF-β signaling transduction pathway and T-box gene family were not affected in setdb2- knockdown embryos. (A) Double in situ hybridization analyses of ntl (red) and shh (black) in the 10-hpf embryos injected with 5-MM control and setdb2 MO2. (B?L) Whole-mount in situ hybridization analyses of myod (B), wnt4 (C), wnt5a (D), wnt8 (E), wnt11 (F, lateral view), wnt11 (G, dorsal view), rhoA (H), bmp4 (I), cyclops (J), squint (K), and tbx16 (L) in the 10-hpf embryos injected with 5-MM control and setdb2 MO2. Embyros are dorsal views in panels A?E and G?L, and lateral views in panel F. |