Fig. S1
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- ZDB-FIG-101223-29
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- Lee et al., 2010 - The habenula prevents helpless behavior in larval zebrafish
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Related to Figure 2. Characterization of Habenula Afferents Expressing KillerRed in KR11 (A) Calbindin and KillerRed in a single optical section of the sample shown in Fig. 2D. Yellow arrowheads indicate cells expressing both calbindin and KillerRed. (B) An optical section of a 3-week old fish, after labeling with an antibody to calretinin (green). Calretinin is visible in KillerRed expressing cells (yellow arrowhead). (C) A sagittal section of a 4-week old fish. Colocalization of calretinin and KillerRed, as analyzed using the colocalization highlighter in imageJ, is indicated in white (arrowhead). (D) A single optical section, lateral view, showing somatostatin in cells that are located medial to the KillerRed expressing cluster. Anterior is to the left in all images. |