Fig. 8
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- ZDB-FIG-100422-62
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- Schonthaler et al., 2010 - The zebrafish mutant bumper shows a hyperproliferation of lens epithelial cells and fibre cell degeneration leading to functional blindness
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Skeletal analyses by whole-mount staining reveal craniofacial defects and a normal ocular skeleton. Alizarin red staining, except for G, which is stained with Alcian blue. (A?C) bum-/-, (D?F) wild-type (wt). Comparative linear dimensions are shown and indicated by a?g. (A) dorsal view, bum-/- 30 mm SL; (B) lateral view, bum-/- 30 mm SL; (C) dorsal view after removal of jaws, eyes and opercular complex, bum-/- 21 mm SL; (D) dorsal view, wt 30 mm SL; (E) lateral view, wt 30 mm SL; (F) dorsal view after removal of jaws, eyes and opercular complex, wt 21 mm SL; (G) bum-/- 10 mm SL, Alcian blue-stained; (H) scleral ossicles, bum-/- 30 mm SL; (I) scleral ossicles of wt 21 mm SL, top, and bum-/- 21 mm SL, below; (J) supraorbital bone of wt 21 mm SL, top, and bum-/- 21 mm SL, below; (K) suborbital bone of wt 21 mm SL, top, and bum-/- 21 mm SL, below; (L) lateral bones including pterygoid complex, preopercle, symplectic, and quadrate bones, wt 21 mm SL, top, and bum-/- 21 mm SL, below; (M) hyomandibular, wt 21 mm SL, right, and bum-/- 21 mm SL, left; (N) subopercle, wt 21 mm SL, right, and bum-/- 21 mm SL, left; (O) interopercle, wt 21 mm SL, top, and bum-/- 21 mm SL, below; (P) mandible, wt 30 mm SL; (Q) mandible, bum-/- 30 mm SL; (R) mandible, bum-/- 28 mm SL; (S) mandible, bum-/- 30 mm SL; (T) maxilla complex, bum-/- 30 mm SL. Abbreviations: cb, ceratobranchials; ch, ceratohyal cartilage; en, entopterygoid; mc, Meckel?s cartilage; mx, maxilla; p, palatine; pm, premaxilla; q, quadrate; sc, scleral cartilage; so, scleral ossicles; sy, symplectic. Scale bars: 500 μm unless otherwise indicated. |
Fish: | |
Observed In: | |
Stage Range: | Days 30-44 to Adult |
Reprinted from Mechanisms of Development, 127(3-4), Schonthaler, H.B., Franz-Odendaal, T.A., Hodel, C., Gehring, I., Geisler, R., Schwarz, H., Neuhauss, S.C., and Dahm, R., The zebrafish mutant bumper shows a hyperproliferation of lens epithelial cells and fibre cell degeneration leading to functional blindness, 203-219, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mech. Dev.