Fig. S3
Genotyping of lgl2, erbB2, and erbB3b. The genotype of larvae presented in this work was scored using PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) for erbB2 and lgl2 or by sequencing for erbB3b. The mutation in lgl2 causes an artificial restriction site for SfcI. The mutation in erbB2 causes a loss of a BsrGI restriction site. Treatment of PCR products from individual genomic samples with either SfcI or BsrGI leads to a genotype specific DNA band pattern in agarose gel electrophoresis. The erbB3b mutation was scored by sequencing of a PCR product spanning the site of lesion. The nature of the mutation is a cytosine to adenine transversion leading to a premature stop codon after 156bp. |