Phenotypes resulting from mutations affecting early morphogenesis of the otic vesicle. At 30 hpf the otic vesicles of (A) mind bomb (mib)m178; (B) snakehead (snk)m273; (C) pandora (pan)m313; and (D) flachland (fll)m517 mutants are of abnormal size and shape (compare with the wild type in Fig. 1A). Formation of otoliths is also affected in these mutants. Epithelial protrusions form in the otic vesicle of mibm178 at 60 hpf (arrowhead in E). At 60 hpf the otic vesicle of snkm273 frequently does not form protrusions and appears to be disproportionately large compared to other organs (F). Arrowheads in A-D indicate the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. In all panels anterior is left and dorsal up.