Fig. 7
Expanded Hh pathway activity in MZovl mutants is dependent on Gli1 activity. (A-H) Uninjected MZovl contrls (A,C,E,G) and gli1MO-injected MZovl mutants (B,D,F,H) were stained at 24 hpf for the expression of ptc1 (A,B), nkx2.2a (C,D), olig2 (E,F), eng (green) and prox1 (red) (G,H). Note that gli1MO-treated MZovl embryos show reduced expression of ptc1 (B), nkx2.2a (D) and olig2 (F) as compared with corresponding untreated MZovl control embryos (A,C,E). Arrowheads in C and D indicate the posterior extent of nkx2.2a expression. In somites of gli1MO-treated MZovl embryos (H), medial fast fibers (prox1-, weak eng+, arrow in G) are abolished, and superficial slow fibers (prox1+, arrowheads in G,H) are substantially reduced in number. Lateral views. Scale bars: 100 μm. |