Fig. 1
Zebrafish MZovl mutants lack cilia. Cilia were visualized by staining with acetylated α-tubulin antibody (red) (A-D,G-P) and basal bodies were visualized by staining with γ-tubulin antibody (green) (A,B,I-P). (A-D) The ciliary axoneme (arrows) and the basal body (arrowheads) are formed in cells of the paraxial mesoderm in wild-type embryos (A,C), whereas cilia (arrows) are absent in MZovl mutants (B,D). Note that domains of stabilized microtubules (arrows in B,D) can only be found co-localizing with the basal body (arrowhead in B) in MZovl mutants. C and D correspond to the red channel of A and B, respectively. Insets show magnified views of regions of interest. (E,F) Cilia (arrow) labeled by rSmoM2-EGFP (green) are present in wild-type embryos but not in MZovl mutants. The cell membrane was labeled with m-mRFP (red). (G-P) Cilia (arrows and arrowheads) are absent in Kupffer′s vesicle (G,H), the neural tube (I,J), somites (K,L), the otic vesicle (M,N), and the pronephric duct (O,P) in MZovl mutants as compared with control embryos. In the neural tube (I), both floor plate cilia (arrow) and cilia in neurons of the dorsal neural tube (arrowheads) are indicated. In the otic vesicle (M), both the longer tether cilia (arrows) and the short non-motile cilia (arrowhead) are indicated. Note that despite the absence of cilia, the basal body forms in MZovl mutants. Asterisks in J and M mark the staining of some neurons and axons, which also label with antibody to acetylated α-tubulin. Embryos are at the 10-somite stage (A-D), 1-somite stage (E,F), 8-somite stage (G,H) and at 24 hpf (I-P). A-H are dorsal views and I-P are lateral views. Scale bars: 10 μm. |