Effects of microinjection of myoglobin gene-specific morpholinos in Tg:fli1/eGFP and Gut/GFP transgenic fish. Tg:fli1/eGFP embryos (A, D-J) and Gut/GFP (Tg:ef-1α/eGFP) (B,C,K) were injected with 4 ng/embryo of either Control Morpholino (Co) or Mb specific Morpholino (Mo) as indicated. Zebrafish larvae at three different time points are shown: 3 dpf, 4 dpf and 5 dpf. The fluorescent gut is not well visible before 4 dpf. All pictures show confocal images of representative examples for control and knock down embryos. Higher magnification images (H,J) give examples for a control (H) and an Mb knock down (J) embryo, respectively. An asterisk is used to mark representative sites of vascular defects (E-G, I,J) (not all defects are marked).