Fig. 2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-081219-3
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- Nakamura et al., 2008 - Nlz1/Znf703 acts as a repressor of transcription
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Nlz1-mediated repression requires an intact HDAC interaction domain. A. Schematic outline of deletion constructs used in reporter assay. SP = Sp domain; Btd = Buttonhead domain; ZF = C2H2 zinc finger domain. Column at left indicates binding of each construct to HDACs as reported previously [3]. Graph at right indicates the ability of each construct to repress the UAS-SV40:Luciferase reporter in HeLa cells. Transfection was carried out as in Fig. 1 using DNA doses as indicated. Data are presented as fold repression relative to 20 ng of GAL4DBD alone. B. Western blot demonstrating that each construct is well expressed in HeLa cells. |