Overview of aln mutant phenotype. (A, B) WT sibling (A) and aln mutant (B) 24-h embryos. aln mutants display delayed pigmentation in the eye, a smaller than normal otic vesicle, and an enlarged pericardial cavity. In addition, mutant embryos are slightly delayed developmentally, having on average two less somites than their WT siblings at 24 h (not shown). (C, D) WT sibling (C) and aln mutant (D) 48-h embryos. aln mutants lack body pigmentation, do not circulate blood, and usually have reduced eye pigmentation. Differentiated blood cells accumulate above the yolk cell in mutants (arrowhead in D), whereas they are visible flowing into the inflow tract of the heart in WT embryos (arrowhead in C). (E, F) Expression of trp-2 in WT sibling (E) and aln mutant (F) 26-h embryos detected by RNA in situ hybridization. At 26 h, trp-2 expression is detectable in the retina but not elsewhere in aln mutants. (G, H) Xanthophores, identified by their bright blue autofluorescence under DAPI epifluorescence, are seen on the dorsal surface of the head of WT 48-h embryos (G), but are not detected in aln mutants (H).