Fig. 2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-080620-42
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- Rebagliati et al., 1998 - cyclops encodes a nodal-related factor involved in midline signaling
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(A) ndr2 is linked to cyctf219, as shown by segregation of an Aci I restriction polymorphism in ndr2 sequences (16) amplified from genomic DNAs of a mapping cross. Lanes: 1, heterozygous cyctf219 G0 fish; 2, homozygous wild-type G0 fish (WIK strain); 3, F2 mutant sibs (homozygous cyctf219); 4, F2 phenotypically wild-type (heterozygous and homozygous wild-type) sibs. Arrow denotes fragment generated by Aci I site present in the WIK but not the cyctf219 strain; this restriction fragment length polymorphism segregates with the cyc mutation, demonstrating linkage. (B) The first methionine of the ndr2 ORF is changed to isoleucine in cyctf219; the M→I mutation was verified in two independent amplification products. In the schematic drawing, shading denotes region of mature Ndr2 polypeptide (382-501). (C) Translation of ndr2 sequence showing the first 61 aa of the ORF (upper case). Asterisk denotes the first in-frame stop codon upstream of the initiating methionine. (D) Hydrophobicity plot of the N-terminal region of Ndr2, generated with the PEPPLOT program of the GCG package; green and red denote hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions, respectively. |