Fig. 6
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-080529-70
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- Zhu et al., 2003 - Cloning, expression, and characterization of a membrane progestin receptor and evidence it is an intermediary in meiotic maturation of fish oocytes
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Changes in putative mPR protein levels in oocytes at various stages of development and final maturation detected by Western blot analysis with stmPRαAb1 antibody (gel loading: membrane proteins from five oocytes per lane). (a) In wild fish captured on their spawning grounds. (b) After incubation in vitro in the presence or absence of hCG. I, vitellogenic oocyte, 200-300 μm (diameter); II, 300-375 μm; III, 375-440 μm; IV, full-grown oocyte, 430-500 μm; GVM, germinal vesicle migration stage of final maturation; GVBD, germinal vesicle breakdown stage of final maturation. (c) mPR protein levels expressed relative to stage I oocyte values. |