dbx1a and dbx1b morpholinos cause spinal cord patterning defects. A,B: RT-PCR for dbx1a (A) and dbx1b (B) in morphants show unspliced products (asterisk in each gel) at a concentration of 7 ng/nl for dbx1a and 2.5 ng/nl for dbx1b. Both morpholinos were injected simultaneously to produce dbx1a/1b loss-of-function embryos. C,D: Whole-mount views of a wild-type (C) and dbx1a/1b morphant (D) embryo at 24 hours postfertilization (hpf) with rostral to the left. dbx1a/1b morphants have a shortened rostral/caudal axis and hindbrain morphology defects. E-H: Spinal cord cross-sections of wild-type and dbx1a/1b morphants at 24 hpf. E,F: The nkx6.2 expression is expanded dorsally in dbx1a/1b morphants compared with wild-type. G,H: The msxc expression is unaffected in dbx1a/1b morphants.