Int6 is essential for zebrafish embryonic development. (A) Western blot analysis of Int6 (*) in zebrafish embryos injected with a control (con) MO or int6 MO. (B) int6 morphant melanocytes are less darkly pigmented. (C?F) Int6 is required for pigment cell placement in the tail, as int6 morphants and int6hi2470 mutants have misplaced pigment cells in the tail fin (D, arrow). Ambient light illuminates the iridophore ?star-light? pattern seen in the int6hi2470 embryos (F, arrow). (G?H) By 5 dpf, embryos injected with a con MO have clearly visible certobranical arches, while int6 morphants do not have visible certobranical arches, in addition to other abnormalities, including unconsumed yolk sac, heart and eye development. (I?N). Alcian blue staining of 5 dpf embryos shows loss of ceratobrancial arches 1 through 5. M, Meckel's; PQ, palatoquadrate; CH, ceratohyal; CB, ceratobrancial.