skiv2l2 Expression Is Ubiquitous during Embryogenesis and Then Restricted to Proliferation Zones at Larval Stages (A and B) skiv2l2 transcripts were detected as early as the four-cell stage by RNA ISH (A) and remained ubiquitously distributed in embryos throughout early embryogenesis (B) (12 hpf). (C and D) The expression of skiv2l2 becomes stronger in the central nervous system (arrowhead in [C]) (22 hpf) and is then restricted to pectoral fins, cranial neural crest (white arrow in [D]), the medial and posterior parts of the tectum, and cerebellum (black arrow in [D]), and ciliary marginal zone of the retina (arrowhead in [D]) at larval stages (D) (74 hpf). (E) This larval-stage expression pattern of skiv2l2 is nearly identical to the expression of pcna (68 hpf). (F) pcna expression is drastically reduced in juliej24e1 mutants (68 hpf). Scale bars: in (A), 100 μm for (A–C); in (D), 100 μm for (D–F).