sdf1a whole-mount mRNA in situ hybridisations in WT and cho mutant. sdf1a is expressed in disk-shaped somite external cells along the horizontal myoseptum (arrowheads) in WT and in the collar region (arrows) in cho mutants. (A) Lateral views at 24, 36 and 55 hpf. (B) Dorsal views at 55 hpf. (C) Transverse cross-sections through the anterior and posterior trunk at 24, 36 and 55 hpf. (D) Confocal images of transverse cross-sections through the anterior and posterior trunk at 27 hpf showing superficial expression of sdf1a mRNA (red) compared with MF20 antibody staining of muscle (green). (E) Higher magnification lateral view of cho anterior trunk at 30 hpf. Scale bars: 25 μm.