Fig. S8

Shepard et al., 2005 - A zebrafish bmyb mutation causes genome instability and increased cancer susceptibility
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Fig. S8

Additional tumors arising in crb adult heterozygotes treated with MNNG. (Scale bars: Left, 200 mm; Right, 50 mm.) (AC) Hepatocellular carcinoma (H) arising within an otherwise normal liver (NL). The tumor has irregular boarders, pushing between normal hepatocytes (A). The tumor is composed of atypical hepatocytes with irregularly shaped, hyperchromatic, and occasionally extremely enlarged nuclei (B). Mitotic figures are abundant (C, arrow). (D and E) Lymphoma infiltrating the gills (G) and the esophageal mucosa (D, arrow). The lesion is composed of a monomorphic proliferation of small to medium sized lymphocytes with minimal cytoplasm (E). (F and G) Schwannoma (S) arising within the ventral body wall. The tumor grows into and compresses the gills (G) and forms an external nodule (F). The tumor is composed of spindled cells, some with narrow, tapered nuclei (G, arrowhead) and others with more plump nuclei forming palisades (G, arrow). (H and I) Sagittal section through the eye showing complete effacement of the retinal architecture by a retinoblastoma (compare H with Fig. 4B). The tumor is composed of a proliferation of medium-sized cells with irregular nuclei and minimal cytoplasm that surround a necrotic core (N). In areas, the cells are organized into Homer-Wright pseudorosettes (I, arrow). (J and K) Gill carcinoma. The tumor (T) arises within and completely effaces one of the gills (J). The tumor is composed of sheets of epithelial cells with enlarged, irregular, hyperchromatic nuclei and a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio (K). Mitotic figures are abundant (K, arrow).

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