Co-injection of gfra1a and gfra1b morpholinos causes the failure of enteric precursor migration along the gut but does not perturb the initial migration of vagal neural crest to the anterior gut. (A,C,E,G) Control embryos and (B,D,F,H) embryos co-injected with gfra1a plus gfra1b morpholinos. Arrows indicate the migrating enteric precursors. (A,B) Ventral view of the vagal region of 36 hpf embryos that have been hybridized with riboprobes for crestin. (C,D) Ventral view of the vagal region of 48 hpf embryos showing persistence of phox2b-expressing cells at the anterior end of the gut. (E,F) Ventral view of somites 3-10 of 48 hpf embryos that have been hybridized with a riboprobes for phox2b. (G,H) Cross-sections taken through 48 hpf embryos at the level of somite 8. The embryos had been hybridized with riboprobes for phox2b prior to sectioning. Broken outline indicates the border of the gut endoderm. The yolk has been removed from the embryos (A-F). Anterior is towards the left (A-F).