Cadherin2 expression in developing zebrafish heart. Anterior is to the left and dorsal is up for panels A-H. Panels A-C are lateral views of the head region of whole mount zebrafish embryos labeled by in situ hybridization with cadherin-2 cRNA. The arrow points to the heart. Panels D and E are lateral views of higher magnifications of the heart. Panel F is a parasagittal section of a heart processed for whole mount in situ hybridization. Panels G and H are parasagittal sections of the ventricle processed for cadherin-2 (Cdh2) and Zn-5 immunocytochemical staining, respectively, both showing that the staining is confined mainly to cell membranes of myocardiocytes. Panels I and J show the same cross section of the ventricle (dorsal up) double-labeled with cadherin-2 antibody (panel I) and Zn-5 antibody (panel J). The arrows and arrowheads point to the same cells respectively. Abbreviations: a, atrium; ba, bulbus arteriosus; c, cerebellum; di, diencephalon; ec, endothelium; h, hindbrain; mc, myocardium; ot, optic tectum; v, ventricle.