Fig. 1

Hammerschmidt et al., 1996 - dino and mercedes, two genes regulating dorsal development in the zebrafish embryo
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Fig. 1

Morphological characteristics of the dino (dintm84) and mercedes (mestm305) mutant embryos. Wild-type embryos are indicated with ?+?. (A,B) Tailbud stage, lateral view: the pillow is marked with an arrowhead, the tailbud with an arrow. (C,D) 8-somite stage, dorsal view: the end of the notochord and the corresponding position in the wild-type embryo are marked by an arrow. (E,F) 3- somite stage, optical cross section at the level of the 2nd somite: the anterior somites of the mutant are smaller and the neural tube is of normal size. (G,H) 8-somite stage, optical cross section at the level of the 6th somite: the notochord is lost and the somites are fused in dino mutants with a strong phenotype. (I,J) 15-somite stage, optical cross section at the level of the 13th somite: the posterior somites are larger and the neural tube is smaller in dino mutants. (K,L,M) 24 hours, lateral view: cells at the ventral side of the yolk extension are marked with an arrow. (N,O) 48 hours, lateral view: note the smaller head in the din mes double mutant. (P-S) 36 hours, posterior view of tail fin; (S) wild-type embryo injected with Xenopus Bmp-4 mRNA. (T-W) 36 hours, ventral view of tail fin: (V) mestm305/mestm305 embryo from heterozygous mother; (W) mestm305/mestm305 embryo from homozygous mother. (X-Z) Lateral views of (X) wild-type, 20- somite stage embryo; (Y) mestm305, 20-somite stage embryo; (Z) dintt250, 15-somite stage embryo, showing acridine orange staining. Apoptotic cells (red) can be detected ventral of the forming yolk extension in din and mes mutant embryos.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: 1-4 somites to Long-pec

Phenotype Detail
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