Intersegmental vessel migration and patterning are defective in y56/y70 and y55/y66 mutants. A: Quantitation of the percent of intersegmental vessel sprouts present in y56, y70, and y66 mutants and their phenotypically wild-type siblings at 22 hours postfertilization (hpf; top), and the number of intersegmental vessel sprouts that have reached or passed the horizontal myoseptum at 30 hpf (bottom). B-D: Fluorescence images of trunk/tail vessels in 48 hpf TG(fli1:egfp)y1 wild-type (B), y56 mutant (C), and y66 mutant (D) animals. Note the regular alternating pattern of vessels in wild-types compared with the irregular arrangement in mutants. E-I: Higher magnification confocal images of trunk vessels in 48 hpf TG(fli1:egfp)y1 wild-type (E), y56 mutant (F,G), and y66 mutant (H,I) animals. Intersegmental vessels in mutant animals display dual ventral roots, ectopic dorsal branching, and lack of left-right mirroring of vessel segments. Images in B-I are all oriented with anterior to the left and dorsal up. Scale bars = 100 μm in B-D, 25 μm in E,F, 50 μm in G-I.