zKLF4 is expressed in pre-polster mesendoderm, polster, and hatching gland. Expression of zKLF4 at 80% epiboly is initially restricted to a patch of mesendoderm cells called the pre-polster (a,b, arrowhead). From approximately 100% epiboly to 10 somites (C-E), zKLF4 expression is seen in the polster (arrowhead) and the lateral plate mesoderm (arrow) both anteriorly (D) and posteriorly (E). Expression of zKLF4 within this polster region is deep within the mesendoderm (shown in J, which is the inset of I; cross-section of zKLF4 expression at 3 somites). As development progresses, zKLF4 expression can then be seen in the ICM and hatching gland (F,H, arrow and arrowhead respectively) as well as in two bilateral patches (D, F, and H, *). Dual WISH with Krox20 (G, r3 and r5) and zKLF4 (G, *) shows the position of the bilateral patches with respect to rhombomeres 3 and 5.