Role of foxd3 and sox10 in the development of gnrh3 cells in the terminal nerve. Whole mounts showing gnrh3 expression (arrows) at 35±1 hpf in foxd3+sox10 mismatch control (A), foxd3 MO (B), sox10 MO (C) and foxd3+sox10 MO (D-F) morphant animals. Knockdown of either gene, or of both genes together, caused a significant decrease in the number of cells expressing GnRH3 (see Table 1). Knockdown of both Foxd3 and Sox10 proteins resulted in a total loss of gnrh3 cells (D), or a partial loss of gnrh3 cells either associated with the olfactory placode (E, arrow), or displaced dorsally (F, arrows). Purple outline indicates the olfactory placodes. (A-E) Ventral views with anterior at the top; (F) frontal view with dorsal at the top. Scale bar: 80 µm.