
Previous Names
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Genome Resources
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Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
sq5717 foxj1a
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR3-foxj1a
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR3-foxj1a
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR3-foxj1a
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
olfactory pit ab1-tuba labeling absent, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory pit decreased size, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory pit lacks all parts of type multi-ciliated epithelial cell motile cilium, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
ciliated olfactory receptor neuron non-motile cilium assembly decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium decreased size, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
multi-ciliated epithelial cell differentiation decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
brain motile cilium absence of anatomical entity, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 5 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
olfactory epithelium cnga4 expression decreased amount, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 3 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium ciliated olfactory receptor neuron poorly differentiated, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 3 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium has fewer parts of type ciliated olfactory receptor neuron 9+2 non-motile cilium, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
multi-ciliated epithelial cell motile cilium assembly decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium ompb expression decreased amount, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 3 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
sensory perception of smell decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719; jf4Tg chemical treatment by environment: bile acid Fig 4 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium GCaMP expression decreased amount, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719; jf4Tg chemical treatment by environment: bile acid Fig 4 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
sensory perception of smell decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719; jf4Tg control Fig 4 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/+; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/+; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/sq34; foxj1bsq5719/+ standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/sq34; foxj1bsq5719/+ standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/sq34; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/sq34; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021