SchemaSpy Analysis of zfindb.public - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Wed Sep 15 00:41 PDT 2021
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

zfindb.public contains 2461 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
paneled_markers abbrev text 2147483647  √  null
panels abbrev text 2147483647
sangerfeatures abbrev text 2147483647  √  null
zmap_pub_pan_mark abbrev text 2147483647
zmap_pub_pan_mark abbrevp text 2147483647
abregistry abregid text 2147483647  √  null
accession_bank accbk_abbreviation text 2147483647  √  null
accession_bank accbk_acc_num text 2147483647
accession_bank accbk_defline text 2147483647  √  null
accession_bank accbk_fdbcont_zdb_id text 2147483647
accession_bank accbk_length int4 10  √  null
accession_bank accbk_name text 2147483647  √  null
accession_bank accbk_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('accession_bank_accbk_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
zdb_submitters access text 2147483647  √  null
publication accession_no int4 10  √  null
newfeaturedata accid text 2147483647  √  null
accession_version accver_acc_num text 2147483647
accession_version accver_version int4 10
return_recs action text 2147483647  √  null
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_in_bin1 int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_in_bin2 int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_in_bin3 int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_in_curating_status int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_in_ortho int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_in_pheno int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_in_xpat int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_waiting_for_author int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_waiting_for_curator_review int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_waiting_for_nomenclature int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_waiting_for_ontology int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_average_time_waiting_for_software_fix int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_date_captured timestamp 29,6 now()
average_curation_time_metric actm_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('average_curation_time_metric_actm_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
average_curation_time_metric actm_stddev_in_bin1 int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stddev_in_bin2 int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stddev_in_bin3 int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stddev_in_ortho int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stddev_in_pheno int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stddev_in_xpat int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stddev_time_in_curating_status int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stdev_time_waiting_for_author int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stdev_time_waiting_for_curator_review int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stdev_time_waiting_for_nomenclature int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stdev_time_waiting_for_ontology int4 10 0
average_curation_time_metric actm_stdev_time_waiting_for_software_fix int4 10 0
average_time_per_person actpp_average_time_spent_days int4 10 0
average_time_per_person actpp_curation_type text 2147483647
average_time_per_person actpp_date_captured timestamp 29,6 now()
average_time_per_person actpp_person_zdb_id text 2147483647
average_time_per_person actpp_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('average_time_per_person_actpp_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
tmp_addgene addgeneid text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_addgene addgenename text 2147483647  √  null
company address text 2147483647  √  null
lab address text 2147483647  √  null
person address text 2147483647  √  null
amsterdam_file af_feature_zdb_id text 2147483647
amsterdam_file af_file_location text 2147483647
amsterdam_file af_is_overlapping_file text 2147483647  √  null
amsterdam_file af_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('amsterdam_file_af_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
tmp_final affected_components text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_fish490 affected_components text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_fish_thatfitthebill affected_components text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_fishnoeap affected_components text 2147483647  √  null
final491 affector text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_onlyfish affector text 2147483647  √  null
affected_gene_group_member afgm_group_id int8 19
affected_gene_group_member afgm_member_id text 2147483647
affected_gene_group_member afgm_member_name text 2147483647  √  null
affected_gene_group_member afgm_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('affected_gene_group_member_afgm_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
alias_group aliasgrp_definition text 2147483647  √  null
alias_group aliasgrp_name text 2147483647
alias_group aliasgrp_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('alias_group_aliasgrp_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
alias_group aliasgrp_significance int4 10
alias_scope aliasscope_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('alias_scope_aliasscope_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
alias_scope aliasscope_scope text 2147483647
all_alias_tokens aliastok_dalias_zdb_id text 2147483647
all_alias_tokens aliastok_token_lower text 2147483647
all_anatomy_contains allanatcon_contained_zdb_id text 2147483647
all_anatomy_contains allanatcon_container_zdb_id text 2147483647
all_anatomy_contains allanatcon_min_contain_distance int4 10
featuregenedata allele text 2147483647
featurenogenedata allele text 2147483647
featurezmp allele text 2147483647
featurezmpdata allele text 2147483647
sanger_flanking_sequence allele text 2147483647
sanger_location allele text 2147483647
burgess_location_post allele1 text 2147483647
sanger_location_post allele1 text 2147483647
featuredata alleleid text 2147483647
newfeaturedata alleleid text 2147483647
sanger_flanking_sequence_post_proc alleleid text 2147483647
tmp_ftrnote alleletag text 2147483647  √  null
all_term_contains alltermcon_contained_zdb_id text 2147483647
tmp_all_term_contains alltermcon_contained_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
all_term_contains alltermcon_container_zdb_id text 2147483647
tmp_all_term_contains alltermcon_container_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
all_term_contains alltermcon_min_contain_distance int4 10
tmp_all_term_contains alltermcon_min_contain_distance int4 10
sanger_flanking_sequence alt text 2147483647
anatomy_display anatdisp_indent int4 10
anatomy_display anatdisp_item_name text 2147483647
anatomy_display anatdisp_item_zdb_id text 2147483647
anatomy_display anatdisp_seq_num int4 10
anatomy_display anatdisp_stg_zdb_id text 2147483647
anatomy_stats anatstat_contains_object_count int4 10
anatomy_stats anatstat_object_count int4 10
anatomy_stats anatstat_object_type varchar 32
anatomy_stats anatstat_synonym_count int4 10
anatomy_stats anatstat_term_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
anatomy_stats anatstat_total_distinct_count int4 10
primer_set anneal_temp numeric 131089  √  null
tmp_zeco_tt aotermid text 2147483647  √  null
apato_tag apatotag_name text 2147483647
apato_infrastructure api_curator_zdb_id text 2147483647
apato_infrastructure api_date timestamp 29,6 now()
apato_infrastructure api_entity_1_subterm_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
apato_infrastructure api_entity_1_superterm_zdb_id text 2147483647
apato_infrastructure api_entity_2_subterm_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
apato_infrastructure api_entity_2_superterm_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
apato_infrastructure api_pub_zdb_id text 2147483647
apato_infrastructure api_quality_zdb_id text 2147483647
apato_infrastructure api_tag text 2147483647
apato_infrastructure api_zdb_id text 2147483647
annual_stats as_count int4 10
annual_stats as_date timestamp 29,6
annual_stats as_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('annual_stats_as_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
annual_stats as_section text 2147483647
annual_stats as_type text 2147483647
cnechr1 assembly text 2147483647
sanger_location assembly text 2147483647
burgess_location_post assembly1 text 2147483647
sanger_location_post assembly1 text 2147483647
antibody atb_host_organism text 2147483647  √  null
antibody atb_hviso_name text 2147483647  √  null
antibody atb_immun_organism text 2147483647  √  null
antibody atb_ltiso_name text 2147483647  √  null
antibody atb_type text 2147483647  √  null
antibody atb_zdb_id text 2147483647
antibody_type atbtype_name text 2147483647
attribution_type attype_definition text 2147483647  √  null
attribution_type attype_type text 2147483647
databasechangelog author varchar 255
author author_first_name text 2147483647  √  null
author author_institution text 2147483647  √  null
author author_last_name text 2147483647  √  null
author author_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('author_author_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
author_publication authorpub_author_id int8 19
author_publication authorpub_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('author_publication_authorpub_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
author_publication authorpub_pub_zdb_id text 2147483647
publication authors text 2147483647
tmp_betterfishdump badfishid text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_betterfishdump badfishname text 2147483647  √  null
primer_set band_size text 2147483647  √  null
blastdb_order bdborder_child_blastdb_zdb_id text 2147483647
blastdb_order bdborder_order int4 10
blastdb_order bdborder_parent_blastdb_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
blastdb_order bdborder_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('blastdb_order_bdborder_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
blast_database_type bdbt_type text 2147483647
blast_database_origination_type bdot_definition text 2147483647
blast_database_origination_type bdot_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('blast_database_origination_type_bdot_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
blast_database_origination_type bdot_type text 2147483647
tmp_betterfishdump betterfishid text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_betterfishdump betterfishname text 2147483647  √  null
blast_hit bhit_alignment text 2147483647  √  null
blast_hit bhit_bqry_zdb_id text 2147483647
blast_hit bhit_expect_value float8 17,17
blast_hit bhit_hit_number int4 10
blast_hit bhit_identities_denominator int4 10  √  null
blast_hit bhit_identities_numerator int4 10  √  null
blast_hit bhit_positives_denominator int4 10
blast_hit bhit_positives_numerator int4 10
blast_hit bhit_probability float8 17,17  √  null
blast_hit bhit_score int4 10
blast_hit bhit_strand text 2147483647  √  null
blast_hit bhit_target_accbk_pk_id int8 19
blast_hit bhit_zdb_id text 2147483647
company bio text 2147483647  √  null
lab bio text 2147483647  √  null
blast_database blastdb_abbrev text 2147483647
blast_database blastdb_description text 2147483647  √  null
blast_database blastdb_is_being_processed bool 1 false
blast_database blastdb_last_regenerated timestamp 29,6  √  null
blast_database blastdb_name text 2147483647
blast_database blastdb_num_accessions int4 10  √  null
blast_database blastdb_num_seqs int4 10  √  null
blast_database blastdb_old_num_seqs text 2147483647  √  null
blast_database blastdb_origination_id int8 19  √  null
blast_database blastdb_path text 2147483647  √  null
blast_database blastdb_public bool 1 false
blast_database blastdb_tool_display_name text 2147483647
blast_database blastdb_tool_display_order int4 10  √  null
blast_database blastdb_type text 2147483647
blast_database blastdb_zdb_id text 2147483647
blastdb_run blastdbr_blastdb_zdb_id text 2147483647
blastdb_run blastdbr_run_zdb_id text 2147483647
pg_stat_statements blk_read_time float8 17,17  √  null
pg_stat_statements blk_write_time float8 17,17  √  null
bl_plate_tracking blpt_load_number text 2147483647
bl_plate_tracking blpt_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('bl_plate_tracking_blpt_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
bl_plate_tracking blpt_plate text 2147483647  √  null
blast_query bqry_accbk_pk_id int8 19
blast_query bqry_runcan_zdb_id text 2147483647
blast_query bqry_zdb_id text 2147483647
blastdb_regen_content brc_acc_num text 2147483647
blastdb_regen_content brc_blastdb_zdb_id text 2147483647
blastdb_regen_content brc_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('blastdb_regen_content_brc_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
blast_report brpt_bqry_zdb_id text 2147483647
blast_report brpt_detail_header text 2147483647  √  null
blast_report brpt_exitcode int4 10
blast_report brpt_zdb_id text 2147483647
finalct3 bundle text 2147483647  √  null
dupcrispr calias varchar 50  √  null
pg_stat_statements calls int8 19  √  null
construct_component cc_cassette_number int4 10 1
construct_component cc_component text 2147483647
construct_component cc_component_category text 2147483647  √  null
construct_component cc_component_type text 2147483647  √  null
construct_component cc_component_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
construct_component cc_construct_zdb_id text 2147483647
construct_component cc_order int4 10
construct_component cc_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('construct_component_cc_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
tmp_zeco_tt cctermid text 2147483647  √  null
editconstruct cczdb text 2147483647  √  null
condition_data_type cdt_group text 2147483647
condition_data_type cdt_name text 2147483647
condition_data_type cdt_significance int4 10
condition_data_type cdt_zdb_id text 2147483647
tmp_zeco_tt cdtid text 2147483647  √  null
clean_expression_fast_search cefs_genox_zdb_id text 2147483647
clean_expression_fast_search cefs_mrkr_zdb_id text 2147483647
clean_expression_fast_search cefs_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('clean_expression_fast_search_new_cefs_pk_id_seq1'::regclass)
tmp_zeco_tt chebitermid text 2147483647  √  null
cnechr chr text 2147483647  √  null
cnechr chrend int4 10  √  null
chromosome chrom_name text 2147483647
chromosome chrom_order int4 10
cnechr1 chromosome text 2147483647
sanger_location chromosome text 2147483647
burgess_location_post chromosome1 text 2147483647
sanger_location_post chromosome1 text 2147483647
clone clone_cloning_site text 2147483647  √  null
clone clone_comments text 2147483647  √  null
clone clone_digest text 2147483647  √  null
clone clone_insert_size int4 10  √  null
clone clone_mrkr_zdb_id text 2147483647
clone clone_pcr_amplification text 2147483647  √  null
clone clone_polymerase_name text 2147483647  √  null
clone clone_probelib_zdb_id text 2147483647
clone clone_problem_type text 2147483647  √  null
clone clone_rating int4 10  √  null
clone clone_sequence_type text 2147483647 'unspecified'::text
clone clone_vector_name text 2147483647  √  null
dupcrispr cname varchar 50  √  null
candidate cnd_is_problem bool 1 false
candidate cnd_last_done_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
candidate cnd_mrkr_type text 2147483647
candidate cnd_note text 2147483647  √  null
candidate cnd_run_count int4 10 0
candidate cnd_suggested_name text 2147483647  √  null
candidate cnd_zdb_id text 2147483647
cnechr cne text 2147483647  √  null
tmpcne cneabbrev text 2147483647  √  null
cnechr1 cneid text 2147483647
cnedata cneid text 2147483647
tmpcne cneid text 2147483647  √  null
cnedata cnename text 2147483647  √  null
tmpcne cnetype text 2147483647  √  null
databasechangelog comments varchar 255  √  null
mapped_marker comments text 2147483647  √  null
primer_set comments text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_ottens comments text 2147483647  √  null
updates comments text 2147483647  √  null
company_position compos_order int4 10
company_position compos_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('company_position_compos_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
company_position compos_position text 2147483647
condition condition_group text 2147483647
construct_marker_relationship conmrkrrel_construct_zdb_id text 2147483647
construct_marker_relationship conmrkrrel_mrkr_zdb_id text 2147483647
construct_marker_relationship conmrkrrel_relationship_type text 2147483647
construct_marker_relationship conmrkrrel_zdb_id text 2147483647
ftrconsequence cons text 2147483647  √  null
ftrconsequencenew cons1 text 2147483647  √  null
ftrconsequencenew cons2 text 2147483647  √  null
construct_figure consfig_construct_zdb_id text 2147483647
construct_figure consfig_fig_zdb_id text 2147483647
construct_figure consfig_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('construct_figure_consfig_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
constructrel construct1 text 2147483647  √  null
constructreln construct1 text 2147483647  √  null
constructrel construct2 text 2147483647  √  null
constructreln construct2 text 2147483647  √  null
construct construct_comments text 2147483647  √  null
construct construct_date_inserted timestamp 29,6 now()
construct construct_date_modified timestamp 29,6  √  now()
feature_data construct_id text 2147483647
construct construct_name text 2147483647
construct construct_owner_zdb_id text 2147483647
construct construct_type text 2147483647
construct construct_zdb_id text 2147483647
company contact_person text 2147483647  √  null
lab contact_person text 2147483647  √  null
databasechangelog contexts varchar 255  √  null
zdb_submitters cookie text 2147483647
company country text 2147483647  √  null
lab country text 2147483647  √  null
clone_problem_type cpt_type text 2147483647
zdb_submitters create_date date 13  √  null
curator_session cs_data_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
curator_session cs_field_name text 2147483647
curator_session cs_field_name_value text 2147483647
curator_session cs_person_zdb_id text 2147483647
curator_session cs_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('curator_session_cs_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
dupcrispr cseq varchar 50  √  null
country_code ctc_code text 2147483647
country_code ctc_comments text 2147483647  √  null
country_code ctc_display_order int4 10  √  null
country_code ctc_name text 2147483647
curation cur_closed_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
curation cur_curator_zdb_id text 2147483647
curation cur_data_found bool 1 false
curation cur_entry_date timestamp 29,6
curation cur_opened_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
curation cur_pub_zdb_id text 2147483647
curation cur_topic text 2147483647
curation cur_zdb_id text 2147483647
curation_topic curtopic_name text 2147483647
controlled_vocabulary cv_foreign_species text 2147483647  √  null
controlled_vocabulary cv_name_definition text 2147483647  √  null
controlled_vocabulary cv_term_name text 2147483647
controlled_vocabulary cv_zdb_id text 2147483647
data_alias dalias_alias text 2147483647
data_alias dalias_alias_lower text 2147483647
data_alias dalias_data_zdb_id text 2147483647
data_alias dalias_group_id int8 19
data_alias dalias_scope_id int8 19  √  null
data_alias dalias_zdb_id text 2147483647
disease_annotation_model damo_dat_zdb_id text 2147483647
disease_annotation_model damo_genox_zdb_id text 2147483647
disease_annotation_model damo_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('disease_annotation_model_damo_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
disease_annotation dat_evidence_term_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
disease_annotation dat_source_zdb_id text 2147483647
disease_annotation dat_term_zdb_id text 2147483647
disease_annotation dat_zdb_id text 2147483647
databasechangelog dateexecuted timestamp 29,6
pg_stat_statements dbid oid 10  √  null
db_link dblink_acc_num text 2147483647
db_link dblink_acc_num_display text 2147483647  √  null
db_link dblink_fdbcont_zdb_id text 2147483647
db_link dblink_info text 2147483647  √  null
db_link dblink_length int4 10  √  null
db_link dblink_linked_recid text 2147483647
db_link dblink_zdb_id text 2147483647
ensdarg_post_proc dblinkid text 2147483647
tmp_addgene dblinkid text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_rnac_zfin dblinkid text 2147483647  √  null
tmp_zirc_geno dblinkid text 2147483647  √  null
databasechangelog deployment_id varchar 10  √  null
databasechangelog description varchar 255  √  null
database_info di_code_version text 2147483647 'production'::text
database_info di_database_unloaded text 2147483647  √  null
database_info di_date_unloaded timestamp 29,6
database_info di_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('database_info_di_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
daily_indexed_metric dim_date_captured timestamp 29,6 now()
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_archived int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_closed_no_data int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_closed_no_pdf int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_expression_bin int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_indexed_bin_1 int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_indexed_bin_2 int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_indexed_bin_3 int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_orthology_bin int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_number_phenotype_bin int4 10 0
daily_indexed_metric dim_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('daily_indexed_metric_dim_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
panels disp_order int4 10
linkages_copy dist numeric 8,2  √  null
data_note dnote_curator_zdb_id text 2147483647
data_note dnote_data_zdb_id text 2147483647
data_note dnote_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
data_note dnote_text text 2147483647  √  null
data_note dnote_zdb_id text 2147483647
doi_attempts doia_num_attempts int4 10
doi_attempts doia_pk_id bigserial 19  √  nextval('doi_attempts_doia_pk_id_seq'::regclass)
doi_attempts doia_pub_zdb_id text 2147483647
do_oevdispupdate_temp_first dout1_evidence_code bpchar 2  √  null
do_oevdispupdate_temp_first dout1_gene_zdb_id text 2147483647  √  null
do_oevdispupdate_temp_first dout1_organism_list text 2147483647
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