
New twists in the evolution of retinal direction selectivity

Yoshimatsu, T., Baden, T.
Full text @ PLoS Biol.

Cholinergic amacrine cells of mice and zebrafish.

(A) Cross-sectional view of rabbit inner retina, with cholinergic bands and anatomy of starburst cells indicated (top) and en-face schematic of a single rabbit starburst cell (redrawn based on [5]). (B) As (A), but for larval zebrafish (redrawn based on [4]) showing their much more compact starburst cells alongside the newly discovered bhlhe22 neurons: a pair of notably larger, radially organized cholinergic amacrine cells that appear to be absent in mammals. Scale bars given in both absolute size and in visual angle: in the <0.3 mm diameter eye of larval zebrafish, already small dendrites cover large areas in visual space. “Blobs” on dendrites indicate putative synaptic boutons.

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