ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-210304-1
Bomont Lab
PI/Director: Bomont, Pascale
Contact Person: Bomont, Pascale
Email: pascale.bomont@inserm.fr
URL: http://www.inmg.fr/bomont/?lang=en
Address: NeuroMyoGene institute Faculté de Médecine 8 avenue Rockefeller 69008 Lyon
Country: France
Phone: +33 4 26 68 82 54
Line Designation: None assigned


Our team studies the cellular and molecular basis sustaining neuronal integrity, and deciphers the mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration and/or developmental defects in disease.

Using a multidisciplinary approach encompassing genetics, cell biology, and physiology, we have discovered the genetic loci and genes responsible for a number of neurological diseases, developed diagnostic tools and generated several models (patients derived cells, mouse and zebrafish) to i) tackle key cellular pathways for neuronal maintenance, and ii) design pre-clinical studies towards therapy.

Thus, we identified the gene involved in giant axonal neuropathy (GAN) and revealed key roles of the encoded Gigaxonin-E3 ligase in controlling cytoskeletal architecture, autophagy machinery and neuronal identity. Overall, our team uncovered the repertoire of the molecular and cellular alterations underlying GAN pathophysiology, and now offers potential therapeutic targets for this fatal disease. We are further expanding the study of rare neurological diseases to decipher the fundamental roles of neurofilaments and autophagy in neurobiology, and to exploit the biomedical impact of these systems in health.


Lescouzères, L., Hassen-Khodja, C., Baudot, A., Bordignon, B., Bomont, P. (2023) A multilevel screening pipeline in zebrafish identifies therapeutic drugs for GAN. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 15(7):e16267
Arribat, Y., Mysiak, K.S., Lescouzères, L., Boizot, A., Ruiz, M., Rossel, M., Bomont, P. (2019) Sonic Hedgehog repression underlies gigaxonin mutation-induced motor deficits in giant axonal neuropathy. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 129(12):5312-5326
Colin, E., Daniel, J., Ziegler, A., Wakim, J., Scrivo, A., Haack, T.B., Khiati, S., Denommé, A.S., Amati-Bonneau, P., Charif, M., Procaccio, V., Reynier, P., Aleck, K.A., Botto, L.D., Herper, C.L., Kaiser, C.S., Nabbout, R., N'Guyen, S., Mora-Lorca, J.A., Assmann, B., Christ, S., Meitinger, T., Strom, T.M., Prokisch, H., Miranda-Vizuete, A., Hoffmann, G.F., Lenaers, G., Bomont, P., Liebau, E., Bonneau, D. (2016) Biallelic Variants in UBA5 Reveal that Disruption of the UFM1 Cascade Can Result in Early-Onset Encephalopathy. American journal of human genetics. 99(3):695-703
Angebault, C., Guichet, P.O., Talmat-Amar, Y., Charif, M., Gerber, S., Fares-Taie, L., Gueguen, N., Halloy, F., Moore, D., Amati-Bonneau, P., Manes, G., Hebrard, M., Bocquet, B., Quiles, M., Piro-Mégy, C., Teigell, M., Delettre, C., Rossel, M., Meunier, I., Preising, M., Lorenz, B., Carelli, V., Chinnery, P.F., Yu-Wai-Man, P., Kaplan, J., Roubertie, A., Barakat, A., Bonneau, D., Reynier, P., Rozet, J.M., Bomont, P., Hamel, C.P., Lenaers, G. (2015) Recessive Mutations in RTN4IP1 Cause Isolated and Syndromic Optic Neuropathies. American journal of human genetics. 97:754-60